Hi, I'm Brad
The relationship that you form with a therapist will be one of the most personal, if not the most personal, relationships you will ever have. This is important to consider because that relationship creates the container within which all healing and growth occurs in therapy. It makes sense, then, why selecting a therapist is difficult and is an act of bravery.
Rather than convince you I am the best therapist for you (how could I know that?), I encourage you to read more about me and ask as many questions as you need. Ultimately, I want you to feel comfortable when deciding to establish this special relationship with me.

Working With Me
Like wandering through a dark forest without a flashlight, healing and becoming the person you desire to be is difficult, full of unknowns, and can be lonely. I would be honored to help you illuminate your path out of the forest you feel stuck in so that you may thrive in the light once again.

Affirming care
No matter the shape of your body, the color of your skin, who you love, how you identify, or how much money you have, you are worthy of respect, care, and love. You are worthy because you are breathing. This is a central tenet to how I approach therapy with clients.
In my practice, I believe:​
weight stigma hurts everyone, and most harm is done to those living in fat bodies
fat acceptance helps everyone
focusing on weight loss is unethical and harmful
eating disorders do not have a look
dismantling systems of oppression is an ethical duty of a therapist
those in the LGBTQ2IA+ community deserve to live free of invalidation, discrimination, and stigmatization
those in the LGBTQ2IA+ community deserve care providers who listen without judgement or preconceived ideas about who they are or what they need
a feminist approach to therapy benefits everyone